The goal of CS2043 is to introduce you to the UNIX/Linux “command line” and its accompanying tools. When done with this class you should feel comfortable navigating any UNIX shell prompt, installing UNIX/Linux systems and understanding any shell script that you may encounter down the road. We’ll cover basic commands through script writing and visit some of the more common tools used today!
LEC02 File System (01/24)
Root Directory
Unlike Windows, UNIX has a single global “root” directory (instead of a root directory for each disk or volume). The root directory is just /
. Absolute paths start with a /, and always refer to the root directory.
: concatenate and print a filecat >> <filename>
: concatenate your following input in shell to the file specifiedwc -l <filename>
: count the number of lines in a filewc -w <filename>
: count the number of words in a filetouch
: create a file if not existedmkdir -p test/a/b
: make directory and all its parent directory if they do not existcp –r <src> <dest>
: To copy a complete directorycp –f <src> <dest>
: To overwrite more aggressively
LEC03 Permission (01/27)
Reading permission:
Linux Representation | Permission by user type |
-rwx—— | User permissions |
—-rwx— | Group permissions |
——-rwx | Other permissions |
r- read, w- write, x - execute
groups <username>
: check which group this user is in and you can manage permission by groupschmod <mode> <filename>
: change permissions:<mode>
:- +774: add user and group all rwx permissions, give others only r permission to the file
- -222: deprive user, group, and other’s permissions to write the file
- =111: change user, group, and other’s permissions to only execute the file. They will lose permissions to read or write if they previously had
: makes you the super usersudo
: grants you the super power temporarily
LEC04 More Commands (01/29)
: to view fileman
to search for “something”,n
to go to its next occurrencefind <directory> -<criteria> <specification>
:Search is recursive (will search all subdirectories too), so sometimes you may need to limit the depth with
-maxdepth <int>
Modifiers for find are evaluated in conjunction (a.k.a AND). But you can condition your arguments with an OR using the
can also execute command on found files / directories by using the–exec
modifier, and find will execute the command for you- The variable name is {}
- You have to end the command with either a :
- Semicolon (;): execute command on each result as you find them-
- Plus (+): find all the results first, then execute command
arguments for
: the file’s name-amin n
: file last access was n minutes ago-atime n
: file last access was n days ago
find ./ -name *.sh
: find under the current directory all files containing the extension name “.sh”find . –amin -10 –exec cat {} \+
: Display all the contents of files accessed in the last 10 minutesfind . –type f –readable –executable
: All files that are readable and executablefind . –type f –readable –o –executable
: All files that are readable or executablefind . –amin +10
: Find all files accessed at least 10 minutes agofind . –amin -10
: Find all files accessed at most 10 minutes ago
LEC05 Zipping (01/31)
tar -c -v -f <zipped_filename> <files_to_zip>
:tar files only create a bundle of file,s it doesn’t compress
Remember to put
as the last one, or at least -f must come right before<zipped_filename>
- -c : create a new bundle
- -v : verbose (output information about what’s going on)
- -f : save in file
tar -xvf <archived_filename> <files_to_zip>
:- -x: extract files
zip archive.zip file1 file2 ...
: zip fileszip -r archive.zip folder/
: zip folder recursivelyunzip -Z <zip_filename>
: show what’s inside the zip fileunzip <zip_filename>
: unzip the file
1 | <command1> | <command2> |
ls -al /bin | less
: show everything in directory /bin as scrollablehistory | tail -20 | head -10
: the most recent 10th - 19th file
If you don’t specify, the output or input of a command comes from the terminal
command > file
: write the output of the command into file (overwrite)command < file
: take the file as input of a command linecommand 2> file
: outputs the error message to a file (stderr(2) in C)command >> file
: append the output of the command into file (doesn’t overwrite)
LEC06 Loops and Variables (02/03)
Environment and Variables
- environment variables: in the computer
- local variables: only in current shell
: execute the file using Bourne shell (sh
): describes the shell programming language, usually its implementation points to/bin/bash
: execute the file using bash shell (bash
): ansh
-compatible implementation with modern implementation
exit code
returned value of main will be printed out if executing the script in Linux
exit N
: exit with status N
executing multiple commands in a row
cmd1; cmd2
: execute cmd 1 first, then cmd 2cmd1 && cmd2
: execute cmd2 only if cmd 1 returns 0 (exited normally)cmd1 || cmd2
: execute cmd2 only if cmd 1 doesn’t return 0 (failed)
We mostly use bash in our scripting. So remember to include #!/bin/bash
in the top
storing command output: var = "$(echo hello world)"
if statement
1 | if [ CONDITION_1 ] |
part is necessary. elif
and else
are allowed, but not necessary.
Shorten codes with ;
to write them in one line, like if [[ 0 –eq 0]]; then echo “Hiya”; fi
for loop
1 | for (( i = 0; i <= 11; ++i )); do |
while loop
1 | s=“s” |
Comparing Values
$n1 –eq $n2
tests if n1 == n2$n1 –ne $n2
tests if n1 != n2$n1 –lt $n2
tests if n1 < n2$n1 –le $n2
tests if n1 <= n2$n1 –gt $n2
tests if n1 > n2$n1 –ge $n2
tests if n1 >= n2
“$s1” == “$s2”
tests if s1 and s2 are identical“$s1” != “$s2”
tests if s1 and s2 are different
Path Testing
- Test if
exists:-e /some/path
- Test if
is a file:-f /some/path
- Test if
is a directory:-d /some/path
- Test if
can be read/written/execute:-r/-w/-x /some/path
Arithmetic Expression
Put expressions inside (( ))
. In script, you need to put $
before expressions to read values. Below are some examples
1 | echo $(( 2 + 3 )) #5 |
Passing Arguments
$1, $2, …, $10
: values of the first, second, etc. argumentsIf 3 arguments are given, $4, $5, … higher are empty
is the name of the script$#
is the number of arguments (argc
in C)$?
Is the exit code of the last program executed- You can have your script set this with
exit <number>
(read man exit) - No explicit call to exit is the same as exit 0 (a.k.a, success!)
- You can have your script set this with
expands\$1 .. \$n
into one string, has the same effect as“\$1 \$2 … \$n”
(one string)$@
expands$1 .. $n
into individual strings, same as“$1” “$2” .. “$n”
(n strings)
Be careful with spacing
comparing two variables
Lec07 Your Shell, Job, and Processes (02/05)
Resource Monitoring
ps <PID>
(process snapshot): report the current running processes, including PIDps -C <command_name>
: report the current process using its corresponding shell commandtop
: displays CPU usage of current processeshtop
: better version oftop
, though not pre-installed in many Linux distributionsfree -h
: display available memory in human-readable formatnvidia-smi
: display Nvidia GPU information
1 | ps –C firefox #find firefox's pid through its command name |
Modifying Processes
nice -n <priority:int> <command name>
: initialize command with non-default priorityrenice -n <priority> -p <PID>
: readjust the priority of a running processkill <PID>
: kill this processkillall <command name>
: kill processes by name, kill all processes related to this program
When we are executing ping
or installing big packages, we may lose control of our command line temporarily. And we may want to run these commands in the background.
<command> &
: run the command in background, but will still print output in the terminaljobs
: report jobs working in backgroundbg <job_id>
: resumes the job in background (note: job id should come after %, like%1
, or the command will take it as the PID)fg <job_id>
: resume job in the foreground
Lec08 Your Shell (02/10)
source <script_name>
: the command runs script in the current shell, not as usual in a spawned shellexec $shell
: restart the current shell (source)alias <new_name>=<old_name>
: e.g.x = 'cd /Desktop'
ssh -X
: allows X11 rendering (allows graphic interface through remote server)scp [flags] <from> <to>
(secure copy): copy files from the internet (remote host): Must specify the user on the remote host. Syntax for remote client:user@host:/path
(Note You need the:
to start the path)ctrl + r
reverse search your history for the most recent command that has the string you just typed in.
Lec10 Shell Expansions and Search (02/14)
Grammar of Shell Expansions
: multiple character wildcard: match any string, including the empty string?
: single character wildcard: match a single character: matches exactly one but what that character is doesn’t matter[brackets]
:[a-z, A-Z]
matches one character in the range[^ ...]
: not,[^abc]
matches any character that is not a, b, or c{... , ...}
: matches any pattern inside the comma separated braces.{Hello,World}
matches either “Hello” or “World”\
: escape space:{Hello, Goodbye} World = Hello Goodbye World
{Hello, Goodbye}\ World = Hello World Goodbye World
(the space is escaped, so “World” is now taken as a part of the set of words)
: to read values (echo $PWD
reads the PWD variable and then echo its value)<
: create instream from file>
: direct output to a file (overwrite or append)
grep <pattern> [input]
Globally search a Regular Expression and Print. GREP can be used to search or filter large amounts of data.
grep -r <pattern> ./
search current directory and all its subdirectories for the pattern specifiedgrep -i <p> ./
ignore upper/lower case distinctions-v
display those lines that do NOT match-n
precede each matching line with the line number-c
print only the total count of matched lines
Regular Expressions
: search for a with 0 or 1 appearancea*
: search for a with 0 or multiple appearancea+
: search for a with 1 or multiple appearance.
: wildcard
Lec11 Sed, Cut, and Paste
cut -c M-N file
: print out the Mth to Nth characters (-c
) in filecut -d " " -f 1 t.txt
: print out the first field of each line in filet.txt
, field is determined by delimiter space
sed is the Stream EDitor. It goes line by line searching for the regular expression
- Print
sed '/pattern/p'
: print out all occurrences that meetpattern
. - Replace
sed 's/pattern1/pattern2/'
:sed 's/no spoon /a fork/g' no_spoon.txt
: replace every occurrence in the whole document (globally:/g
) of “no spoon” with “a fork” - Delete
sed '/pattern/d'
:sed '/[Dd]avid/d' david.txt
: executes delete command (/d
) - Extended regular expression
sed -E '...'
: letsed
to use the more usual version of regex, where+ ? ()
have special meanings. See here for an explanation of Extended Syntax
: can read from stdin, so it can pass output from other commands to scripts that only take in arguments, not from stdin.
xargs -n 1 <command>
: only feeds 1 arguments to the next command. See the nextgrep 688
for an examplexargs -I '{}' <command> '{}'
specify where to use the the argument read in byxargs
. Specifically, for the results fed intoxargs
, we give them a name{}
, when we later run the next command, replace occurrence of{}
in that command with those results.e.g.
grep 688 ./ | xargs -n 1 -I '{}' mv '{}' ./results/
for each of the file that was found to contain688
in their name, move that file toresults/
we can also use a token other than
, for examplecat directories.txt | xargs -I % sh -c 'echo %; mkdir %'
shift & paste
shift <number>
: drop the first <number>
: merge multiple files
paste –d , names.txt phones.txt > result.csv
: merge names and phones together,-d
delimit them with ‘,’paste –d , -s names.txt phones.txt > result.csv
: merge file serially (-s
) instead of in parallel
LEC12 awk, gawk, and Process Substitution
Use awk
on delimited fields on a per-line basis
The basic structure of an awk program is:
1 | BEGIN {commands} |
awk '/[Mm]onster/ {print}' frankenstein.txt
: find regex[Mm]onste
and print the lines out.awk '/[Mm]onster/' frankenstein.txt
: if not specified, the default action is to print the whole lineawk '/[Mm]onster/ {print $0}' frankenstein.txt
refers the whole line
awk '/[Mm]onster/ {print $1}' frankenstein.txt
: prints the first word of the line contains our patternawk '/Ron/{print $3}' marks.txt
: prints the third column of the line containing ‘Ron’ in the file ‘marks.txt’
You can also use awk
without specifying a pattern:
awk 'BEGIN{x=5; y=10; z=x+y; print z}'
: arithmetic in awkawk '{print $1 ","}' t.txt
: print out the first field of each line plus a colon in filet.txt
, field is determined by delimiter space
&& || a?b:c !(a&&b)
: also work in awk.
If you want to do regular expression, you need to enclose them with /regular expression/
awk '/s/?/8./:/9./ {print}' marks.txt
: If there’s an ‘s’, look for grade in 80s, otherwise grade in 90sawk '!/s/ {print}' marks.txt
: Look for all lines that do not contain an ‘s’
Process Substitution
We can treat a command of series of commands as if they were a file
< (list)
: treat the list of commands as input e.g.echo "This is a test" > >(wc –w)
> (list)
: treat the list of commands as output file e.g.while read x; do echo $x; done < <(git log)
LEC13 Advanced Bash Scripting
Condition Statements: case
case employs a patter match, using shell expansion
1 | case "$var" in |
1 | arr = ( use parentheses and seperate items by space ) |
Lec99 Practical Tasks
find . -name "*.png" -type f -print0 | xargs -0 rm -v -rf "{}"
referencefind . -name "*.png" -type f
: search files (type -f
) with this name-print0
: names will be terminated by a null character, and spaces and strange characters will be catered for.xargs -0
is also going to consider filenames to be null-terminated, and spaces and strange characters will not cause problems.rm -v -rf "{}"
: The “{}” is replaced by each filename.