Yao Lirong's Blog

2022 Web Journal




Tech - Tools


  • Users can now type @lang:languageId in the Settings editor search box to view and edit all settings that can be configured for the language with ID languageId. This way, users can view language-specific settings, also known as language overrides.

  • Keyboard shortcuts:

    • ctrl + pgup and ctrl + pgdn to navigate between opened tabs
    • ctrl + \ go to pairing bracket (self-defined)
    • Enable switching between terminal and editor
      { "key": "ctrl+`", "command": "workbench.action.terminal.focus"},
      { "key": "ctrl+`", "command": "workbench.action.focusActiveEditorGroup", "when": "terminalFocus"}
  • To jump by function with ctrl + uparrow and ctrl + downarrow, install extension “Go to Next/Previous Member” and change its setting to

    ["interface", "class", "function", "event", "method", "module", "object", "struct"]


Tech - Knowledge

  • 中文档案编写排雷指南: 讲解了引号,空格,全角半角符号等使用规范
  • Browser in the Browser Phishing Attack: The author introduces how to simulate a pop-up login window to maliciously acquire user’s password.
  • When use GitHub, use https to track remote branch. SSH works weird when you have multiple accounts on your local machine.
  • Basic and extended regular expression: In short, ERE syntax is the regex that we are more familiar with, where where + ? () have special meanings.
  • Hiding a photo inside another photo: by changing the least significant bit of every pixel point of the original photo to the photo we want to hide. When we reconstruct, simply extract all these least significant bits and put them back into a picture. This naive approach only works with square photos for now as it can’t store metadata. It also becomes incomprehensible if go through compression like jpeg.

Tech - Advances

Glorious To View 康奈尔天下第一

Glorious to View

#1 Subreddit

To Do the Greatest Good

Request a Purchase

The following are the books I requested Cornell to purchase.


一席 YiXi

  • 李涵:少年的你 7:00:「问题少年」的社会工作


  • 胡立德(David Hu):浪費科學家:类似原来订阅的小哥白尼杂志里面各种乱七八糟的研究,但实际上这可能才是真正的「生物学家」


  • 何袜皮:小區保安,恐懼和被恐懼的:中国的小区为什么需要保安,保安到底在干什么,以及他们是什么样的人








  • 能影响一亿人的 1 秒又怎样? 很有洞见的资深内容创作者谈话。虽然从技术自由角度我不喜欢他的大部分观点,但是有一点非常可取,就是他提出我们现在单纯的「流量」,即观看时长来衡量内容价值太片面;需要用立体的 观看量 $\times$ 观看时长 的计量单位取代
  • 群众基础和通往夺冠之路 讲中国女足或者更广泛到足球以及整个大体育的问题。15:38 左右谈到我们现在的体育发展是一个恶性的内循环:训练很多体育生,但是最后能靠它吃饭的只有一小部分人,于是大多数人投入了人生的黄金时间无法进入国家队成为职业运动员,只能最终去做教练或者体育管理的相关职业,转型是很难的,最终再由这些人培养新的体育生。可见如果选择走体育,你的人生道路并不是越走越宽,而是越走越窄的。
  • 我们习以为常的和平为何难以降临阿富汗? 后发国家通过援助发展,首先都是外部世界(发达国家)拉动一个城市,但最终结果不尽相同:1.城市成功拉动乡村:如韩国城市人口占总人口一半,常发生在规模小的国家 2. 乡村拉平城市:如国土面积相比来说巨大的越南「西贡时刻」,城市更像是一块悬浮在落后乡村之上的先进飞地,没有力量拉动乡村,最后北越将南越拉了下来
  • 伯内斯和操纵大众情绪的手

We are the World 明天会更好

Doomsday Clock 末日时钟

Cyberpunk 2077 太赛博了

Goodbye V, And Never Stop Fighting

  • 中国网民规模超10亿 实际是2021年的新闻,第一次看到的时候想得不是增长得好快,而是还有4亿人不使用互联网,他们在这个去哪都要健康码的时候怎么生存呢?

  • Microsoft is testing ads in the Windows 11 File Explorer

  • GitHub suspends accounts of Russian devs at sanctioned companies, original blog post mentioned here

    In parallel with our efforts to make sure GitHub is available to developers in all countries, we are continuing to ensure free open source services are available to all, including developers in Russia

  • 悄悄拍摄行人,算法指挥员工:便利蜂的“系统”是否越界 Backup Archive





  • 科技爱好者周刊(第 199 期):俄罗斯的 HTTPS 证书问题




    一旦因为政治原因吊销 HTTPS 证书,或者让俄罗斯断网,互联网的中立性就荡然无存,不再是人人都可以使用的技术基础设施了。这等于把”互联网武器化”,只要你是我眼中的恶棍,我就不同意你使用互联网。


  • Why Vivaldi will never create ThinkCoin

    When you strip away the hype, these virtual currencies have very real repercussions for people, society, and the environment. By creating our own cryptocurrency or supporting cryptocurrency-related features in the browser, we would be helping our users to participate in what is at best a gamble and at worst a scam. It would be unethical, plain and simple.

  • Noisy: Random DNS, HTTP/S traffic noise generator - Y Combinator

    first he warned us: make sure you always use the -c flag if you’re pinging something on the internet. This is to specify the count of pings sent out. If you didn’t it would ping forever and generate too much traffic, and this useless noise would make you a “bad netizen”. He explained this and everything to us so kindly and with such sincerity it was like watching Fred Rodgers speak.

    Now we have to randomly barf noise onto the network to maybe have a better chance at some privacy. How did we let the internet become this awful?

  • Musk Buying Twitter Is Not About Freedom of Speech

    Yes, Twitter will wind up with different rules, results and outcomes—and it may be the better or worse for it. Along the way, some people will cheer, and others will jeer. But framing the discussion as a “free speech” issue is entirely disingenuous. This is simply a billionaire attempting to etch his world view into an algorithm—even if he brands himself a swashbuckling digital freedom fighter.

  • 王局专访围棋国手柯洁: 偶然YouTube推送的视频,20分钟充满着绝望的感觉。阐述自己悲观的原因时他说机器学一个月可能敢上一个人学十年,其实这对于很多人在平常的学习工作中可能都有一样的感觉:天才学半年顶你四五年。柯洁在以前的学习中必然也遇到过这种情况,总发现有比自己聪明或者努力的,但自己再努力超过他们就行了,毕竟顶尖的人智力差别都不大。但这次更像孙悟空和如来佛一样,上面有一个被生物规律严格规定的不可超越的存在,一个筋斗十万八千里也翻不出如来的五指,就算你再怎么精进自己,即使到百万里千万里也不可能,这才是最绝望的事。


  • Is Social Media Training Us to Please a Machine? Though most of the article is cliche, this idea itself is very interesting. Content generators were used to please editors or reviewers, but now they have to please an algorithm. 中文版:社交媒体是否在训练我们取悦机器?

  • 平台:现代社会的遥远巫术: 「平台」,算法黑箱,无形的大手。很有意思的一个小时谈话,与上文的取悦算法有些相关

  • Did the Pandemic Normalize Employee-Monitoring Software?

  • 论文工厂狂造假 800 多篇材料学论文: 剑桥晶体学数据中心 的结构数据库发现,近 1000 个晶体数据结构条目(涉及810篇文章)涉嫌来自中国的论文工厂。因为中国医院要求,医生只有发表论文才能评职称,结果就产生了这些不存在的小分子结构。

  • 深圳某公司在每个工位都装上了监控

  • Give Up GitHub: The Time Has Come! Software Freedom Conservancy in response to GitHub announcing Copilot, which trained on FOSS software’s code, as a commercial for-profit product.

  • The ever-expanding job of preserving the internet’s backpages: Internet Archive is on the brink of surpassing 100 petabytes and it’s only getting harder to archive a webpage. Bypass paywall at archive.today

  • Chinese Company Pirated VSCode: a very interesting one to read

  • Wizz Air Charges Extra for Users with Ad-Blockers

  • Danish Political Party Led by an AI

  • Tim Cook says ‘buy your mom an iPhone’ if you want RCS support in iMessage: 何不食肉糜?

  • The people making money from just surfing the internet: Browser extension that sells your data directly to retail brands instead of Google. It gives you money in return.

  • Northeastern University installed heat sensors under graduate student workers’ desks: Northeaster be really have some thought here

Generation Digital 混迹于互联网


  • How to Stop Worrying and Learn to Love the Internet, from Douglas Adams, also collected in The Salmon of Doubt

    1. everything that’s already in the world when you’re born is just normal
    2. anything that gets invented between then and before you turn thirty is incredibly exciting and creative and with any luck you can make a career out of it
    3. anything that gets invented after you’re thirty is against the natural order of things and the beginning of the end of civilization as we know it until it’s been around for about ten years when it gradually turns out to be alright really.
  • David Hilbert’s Radio Address

    For us there is no ignorabimus.

    Wir müssen wissen, Wir werden wissen.

  • Are you optimistic about the free software movement? - Richard Stallman

    I am a pessimist by nature. Many people can only keep on fighting when they expect to win. I’m not like that, I always expect to lose. I fight anyway, and sometimes I win.

  • Remarks by President Biden Before Meeting with the White House Competition Council - Joe Biden, 46th President of the United States

    No, it’s a great asset. More inflation. What a stupid son of a bitch.

  • A meeting with Enrico Fermi

    “There are two ways of doing calculations in theoretical physics”, he said. “One way, and this is the way I prefer, is to have a clear physical picture of the process that you are calculating. The other way is to have a precise and self-consistent mathematical formalism. You have neither.”

    In desperation I asked Fermi whether he was not impressed by the agreement between our calculated numbers and his measured numbers. He replied, “How many arbitrary parameters did you use for your calculations?” I thought for a moment about our cut-off procedures and said, “Four.” He said, “I remember my friend Johnny von Neumann used to say, with four parameters I can fit an elephant, and with five I can make him wiggle his trunk.”

  • Your Map is Wrong, Mark Zuckerberg on Web 2.0 Summit (2010/11)

    Your map is wrong. The biggest part of the map has to be uncharted territory. This map makes it seem like it’s zero-sum, but it’s not. We’re building value, not just taking it away from someone else.

    the not yet lizard Zuck

  • A friend who had just finished his PhD

    Don’t squander your ignorance. Once you learn something, you end up taking it for granted and it becomes so much harder to overcome your tacit knowledge and ask simple, but important, questions.

  • Why Craigslist Still Looks the Same After 25+ Years: Solidot

    Because that serves people better. I’ve learned that people want stuff that is simple and fast and gets the job done. People don’t need fancy stuff. Sometimes you just want to get through the day.

    For me as an engineer, simple is beautiful. Functional is beautiful.

Prospect 观天下

Others 杂七杂八

  • 《塞尔达传说时之笛》PC 移植版准备下个月发布: 完整的时之笛反编译

  • The rise of performative work - the Economist, more like College Classroom 101(Bypass paywall at http://archive.today/RJQQX)

    Satya Nadella, the boss of Microsoft, says that comments in chat help him to meet colleagues he would not otherwise hear from. Maybe so, but that is an irresistible incentive to pose questions that do not need answering and offer observations that are not worth making.

  • 为语言多样性现象点灯之作——《〈役割語〉小辞典》读后感:从文字层面保护语音语调层面的「役割語」,或者说方言


  • 胡萝卜周因一氧化碳中毒而意外身亡 一路走好

  • End of Life of Captura: 偶然找到的实用录屏软件,但是由于可耻的将开源软件套壳收费行为,作者选择了停止更新

  • 王巍 - 萌娘百科: 什么绝对的六边形战士,果宝特攻猪猪侠的编剧导演配音曲词3D引擎开发动画制作,全你一个人啊?!

  1. 1. Tech - Tools
    1. 1.1. VSCode
    2. 1.2. Others
  2. 2. Tech - Knowledge
  3. 3. Tech - Advances
  4. 4. Glorious To View 康奈尔天下第一
    1. 4.1. Glorious to View
    2. 4.2. #1 Subreddit
    3. 4.3. To Do the Greatest Good
    4. 4.4. Request a Purchase
  5. 5. Talks
    1. 5.1. 一席 YiXi
    2. 5.2. 声东击西
  6. 6. We are the World 明天会更好
  7. 7. Doomsday Clock 末日时钟
  8. 8. Cyberpunk 2077 太赛博了
  9. 9. Generation Digital 混迹于互联网
  10. 10. Quote
  11. 11. Prospect 观天下
  12. 12. Others 杂七杂八