大概是写这么多年 C(++) 以来第一次正式学 C (虽然其实在康奈尔学过一遍C++)
Install Aria2c: sudo apt install aria2c
and a web-based GUI: AriaNg
Create configuration files:
123mkdir ~/.aria2touch ~/.aria2/aria2.session #用于保存日志touch ~/.aria2/aria2.conf #创建配置文件
A template for “aria2.conf” can be downloaded from aria2c.com. You should change the dir field to be ...
Complexity is a symptom of confusion, not a cause.
海尔实习期间记录下的 TensorFlow 笔记
生年不满百 常怀千岁忧
昼短苦夜长 何不秉烛游
为乐当及时 何能待来兹
愚者爱惜费 但为后世嗤
仙人王子乔 难可与等期
Initial Server SetupLogging In
We chose “use ssh keys to log in” when creating the server, so we need to first get our root password by “reset root password”. Next time when you log in, you will be prompted to change password.
log into server ssh root@your_server_ip. Passphrase set when creating...