Yao Lirong's Blog

Yao Lirong's Blog

Innovation For Everyone

Look Back on Cornell/Tsinghua 20FA

CS4820 Intro Analysis of Algorithms

I got to do all the stuff I want. … I’m actually one of the Ithaca’s firefighters now and on average we have a really big and nice fire each year so I got to work when that comes.

– Dexter Kozen, 2020/12/16

C++ Manual
char :1个字节 char*(即指针变量): 8个字节 short int : 2个字节 int: 4个字节 unsigned int : 4个字节 float: 4个字节 double: 8个字节 long: 8个字节 long long: 8个字节 unsigned long: 8个字节 I/O读入字符串可以用 scanf("%s") 或 getline() 读入字符且忽略空格可以用 scanf(" %c"),注意 %c 前面的空格 C++ cin.ignore()的用法详解 C++ cin>> ...
Python Manual
python 整型与二进制数值的相互转换 pyhton 的异或与 Hamming Distance Python之正则表达式——查找 Python类型强制转换 multi-line statements: 123total = item_one + \ item_two + \ item_three List Find Median of List in Python: statistics.median(list) Union of two lists: to remove all repetitions, use res = list(s...
LaTeX Manual
Commands 排版大括号 $f(x)=\left{ \begin{aligned} x & = & \cos(t) \ y & = & \sin(t) \ z & = & \frac {x}{y} \end{aligned} \right.$ 1234567f(x)=\left\{\begin{aligned}x & = & \cos(t) \\y & = & \sin(t) \\z & = & \frac xy\end{ali...
CS4820 及 Algorithm Design 一般性内容总结

CS 4820 develops techniques used in the design and analysis of algorithms, with an emphasis on problems arising in computing applications. Example applications are drawn from systems and networks, artificial intelligence, computer vision, data mining, and computational biology. This course covers four major algorithm design techniques (greedy algorithms, divide and conquer, dynamic programming, and network flow), computability theory focusing on undecidability, computational complexity focusing on NP-completeness, and algorithmic techniques for intractable problems, including identification of structured special cases, approximation algorithms, and randomization.

INFO1998 Intro to Machine Learning (sklearn, pandas)

The goal of this course is to provide you with a high-level exposure to a wide range of Data Science techniques and Machine Learning models. From the basics of getting your Jupyter environment setup, to manipulating and visualizing data, to building supervised and unsupervised models, this class aims to give you the base intuition and skillset to continue developing and working on ML projects. We hope you exit the course with an understanding of how models and optimization techniques work, as well as have the confidence and tools to solve future problems on your own.

CS2024 C++ Programming

The goal of CS2024 is to teach as much of the C++ language as possible with an eye towards your being able to use it effectively in future classes that may depend on it and/or in a professional setting. C++ is ever changing with new standards released every three years. We look to strike a balance between making sure you thoroughly understand “historic” C++ as well as introducing you to new features enabled in the language in the past decade.

姚立嵘 Yao
让每个人享受科技的乐趣 (Innovation For Everyone)